Thursday, 10 May 2012

final post

Name: Sophie Olah
Candidate number: 7220
Centre number: 17131
Centre name: John F Kennedy School

Evaluation: How do your ancillary texts relate to your media product?

Evaluation: What have you learnt from audience feedback?

The feedback give to us really helped us improve on mistakes from postive and negative feedback and helped us recognise this and to accept the constructive criticism was going to help us create and desgin this best we could achieve from our ability. By asking many people we were able to discuss frequently what would be best and what would not. We decided to keep all the parts within in our trailer that public/friends/family that they said were good/positive as this made us feel confident, for example the fast editing and the black a white theme to the trailer. From the negative feedback we took out parts which did not work and carried on improving. Such as, our first setting where we filmed was in school but from our feedback we were able to see this was not effectual. From having been given back such useful feedback it helped us distinguish what our target expected to find within our trailer and therefore do our final project based on this feedback. 

I created a wordle to show some of audiecne feedback we had which were quote:

Evaluation: How did you use your media techonologies in the construction, planning, research and evaluation?

Evaluation: In what ways does your media product, use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?

Final draft of magazine cover

By planning and from feedback I have been able to produce and design my final draft of my magazine cover:

Final draft of poster

By planning and from feedback I have been able to produce my final draft of my poster:

Reasons why I decided to make our trailer in this way:

The black and white theme to our trailer I feel was effective because it makes it seem mysterirous and thrilling and exciting. It challenges a typical convention of film trailers but I chose this theme in order to make it unique. Our voice over is a whisper so it comes across as very effectual with a haunty and chilling feel. The music in the background is significant as it enforces the horror genre with sudden moments in the music. We didn't tell the story but it's obvious from the trailer and the name of our film that the girl is snatched but we dont know what fully happens to her, with the flashback at the beginning making it curious and dark.

Final draft of film trailer

From my Feedback I have produced my final draft of my film trailer:

Actors in the trailer

We chose a man in our trailer to be seen as the 'villian' and the one who snatches the girl as this a typical convention of the horror genre for a male who is seen as a scary and frightening. In our trailer you dont see his face but you can still recognise that from his back his manly figure. 
We chose Maisie to be part of our media trailer as she is young with long hair to present an innocent, naive and angelic character in the film. We wanted our character to be presented in this way because a typical conventione of the horror genre is to have someone that they see as a victim by feeling empathy and sympathy for her which I believe our trailer does.

More feedback

For more feedback we posted our trailer onto a social network site; FACEBOOK and then onto youtube so our friends,family and the public could post their thoughts we had comments such as:

'wow thats well good!'
'thats pretty cool :)'
'u should b proud of that'
' welllllll i would watch that haha :)'

first draft feedback from our trailer and ancillary texts

In order to improve our ancillary texts and film trailer we need positive feedback and constructive criticism on the work so we could gradually make it better until we were fully satisfied.


+ running at the beginning of the trailer particulary effective.
+ Black and white theme adds eeriness to the trailer and makes it clear what the genre of the film is.
+ Fast editing of the trailer is very effective and interesting.
+ The fact the girls face is shown in shadows adds a thrilling and horror feel to the trailer.
+ Sound effects help to recognise the genre.
+ Short and sweet which shows the main points of the film as it does not give too much away.

- Add a voice over to make the trailer more effective.
- Edit the sound of other people voices out as it's not relevant.
- Change the setting - film somewhere else it was too obviously filmed in school.
- Add some scary sounding music.


+ The picture is very effective shows the eyes well to portray her emotions.
+ Colour red is significant to the genre.
+ Black and white theme relates back to the genre.
+ Looks very much like a real fim poster with the small print, age rating, production, actors names.
+ Title is vert good 3D effects makes it eye catching and stands off the page well.

- Edit the picture slightly better.
- Font a big better so it's slightly more clear.
- Put a few more things on the page looks empty.
+ horror genre is presented well and clearly.
+ picture is effective and significant to genre - gag round her mouth.
+ Conventions of exisiting magazine covers such as barecode, date, issue, price, masthead etc.

Risk assessment

WALKING THROUGH THE ALLEY WAY WHEN FILMING - careful on not to trip on anything and be careful of not bumping into the genral public. To prevent this we will make sure when filming the scene through the alley way there are no people nearby and take note of anything that we could fall onto/into by walking carefully.
FILMING IN THE PARK - beware of people in the park, crossing over the road before hand and not to trip on the apparatus in the park. To prevent this we will watch out of those using the park facilities, make sure there are no vehicles coming when crossing the road and then to take care on the swings.
RUNNING SCENCE- take care when running not to injure yourself by falling over and look out for any dangers which could harm such as glass on the ground and generally aware of the surroundings.

Age Certificate

When making my film trailer I decided when finishing what age certificate would be appropiate for my film trailer. With this symbol meaning
No-one under 15 is allowed to see a ‘15’ film at the cinema or buy/rent a ‘15’ rated DVD or video game. Parents are warned that ‘15’ rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age. It is therefore targeted at older teenagers and over as I believed that this age they can make a descion on weather or not they like the horror genre and there ability to see it. I chose it to be at this age because most of the horror is in the form of shadows, darkness and noises with the language being light with no drugs, sex or alcohol. There are many jumpy moments but there is no blood and gore, then I would of thought it was necessary to put it up to age 18. The film targets at this particular audience because many young teens enjoy the thrill.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Props and Costume list for trailer production

In order to effecively organise our film trailer I put together a list of what will be needed on the day of our filming:
I firstly suggested that the girl in our trailer was to wear normal everyday clothing to present a normal everday life look so it looked realistic. Then for the male to wear dark clothing to present his dark and mysterious character to give off a scary feel to the trailer so it immediately suggests to the audience he is the villain. We then needed our camera, tripod. There were not many props within our trailer because we focused very much upon the characters and the setting which are the main focus within the trailer and this is what makes our trailer a horror genre.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Developed poster and magazine cover ideas

After having created my poster ideas from my photo shoot, I have now edited my chosen photos to create my final desgin. I added fonts and texts to  each design so it fits in well to the 'horror theme', and also from which reflected well from my research.
1. Poster - I changed the colour of my photo to black and white so it gave out a chilling effect to the audience. I added red text to the poster so it stood off the page; 'coming soon' and the actors names so they were presented as eye catching. The title 'snatched' is also in red to give a spooky and horror feel to it and I spent time giving it a professional looking by adding shadowing and a 3D effect with it being slightly slanted to make it look immediately effective. I also put the tag line in red straight below it to bring about a thrilling theme. I put the age certificate which is a 15 on the left hand side of the page which is a convention of a film poster plus with the small print at the bottom page, which includes director, the productions company, actors and copyright information. I chose the particular picture because she is looking away from the camera to show the audience there is something wrong with her frightened and scared facial expressions, which draws the audience in.
2. Magazine Cover - I chose this particular picture to catch the readers eye straight away as I think that her eyes make the magazine look effective, as they are wide open to show her shock and distressed state. I added typical conventions to a magazine such as the bar code, issue number, date, and price. I promoted the film 'snatched' and highlighted and used persuasuive wording.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Filming Schedule

Filming/Shooting schedule

Thursday 2nd Feb - write a letter to the council asking weather we can film in the area.
Thursday 9th Feb - Start filming the scenes such as the girl walking around doing her normal everday day things in her life such as in the park on the swings, plus walking through the alley way where she looks frightened.
Thursday 16th Feb - Continue filming show the back of the male and him running trying to catch the girl. Film both of there legs running to create the tension. Male grabbing the girl and her screaming to show how scared she is.
Thursday 23rd Feb - Edit our trailer and keep improving her trailer with the feeback which is given back to us - add music and a voiceover to our trailer to add the dramatic effects.

By creating a shooting/ filming schedule it allowed us to be organised and know when we will do what.

Photo Shoot

After having taken photos for my magazine cover and poster, I chose to use a model who represenative of an innocent victim and of the younger generation. For costume I dressed her in baggy clothing and a jacket to keep her looking casual. I chose a setting of a plain background to show she is isolated with a gag on her mouth to show her portray trapped character. I asked the model to look frightened with her facial expressions and for eyes to look shocked and scared so the horror/thriller genre is clearly shown.

Photo Shoot for Poster and Magazine Cover

story board

Created a number of pictures and wrote down notes to work out what will happen in our film trailer in order and we can further develop these ideas when filming our trailer.

Initial Ideas

Design 2: I then went on to draw another rough sketch. I drew a similar girl with a gag around her mouth to again show she has been taken, with a white background to present a chilling and cold effect. I gave the girl messy hair to give her a rugged look. Similarly, I did a bold title so it comes across as eye catching. I then drew an outlined black shadowed hand to the girl so the audience immediately can tell he is the villian presenting the convention of the genre. I captioned the actors names at the top of the page with the tagline positioned differently at the bottom of the title.

Initial Ideas - Poster Desgin

As part of my designing, I have created two posters to give myself of what I will create, I will develop these ideas further when I eventually create my final design.
Design 1: shows an innocent girl/ victim with a gag round her mouth to show she has been trapped/ snatched from a villian. I would like the colour of the picture to be black and white to present how her life has been taken away from her with the black/ grey and dark colours suggesting her depressing mood. Girl has big eyes because I feel this is an important feature and believe they will show her emotion well. The title is big and bold and coloured in red because I believe this represents danger and fright, and also so it can stand out on the page so it becomes eye catching. I have Highlighted who featured in the film as this is an important part of the poster. Tagline 'when the obsession takes over' because it sounds intruiging and attracts the attention of the audience well and I feel it brings dramatic tension.
I drew a rough drawing of what I might want my poster to look like.


I brainstormed some ideas of what I would like my film to be called to help create and develop ideas in my mind:
positioning of characters is significant a sense of narrative is often created.
use of text is often placed in well with the genre
colour schemes are used to make the writing and text bold and to draw the reader in.
masthead - title of the film is usually much larger so it stands well off the page.
release dates and actors who are staring in the film- small print on the bottom of the page.
age certifcate such as 12, 12A, 15,18.
The genre is normally established within the first 10-20 seconds.
the tone is often changed within the middle of the text into a more dramatic thrill.
the narrative is not given away which hooks the audience straight away.
Characters and the plot are introduced effectively.

one central images with catches the audiences attention.
bold texts and the use of colour.
the main characters in which will be part of the film.
dark colours which presents the horror genre.
things that will be in the magazine .

what I have learnt from analysing magazine covers

What I have learnt from analysing magazine covers

- It shows that the photograph is the main feature of the cover which draws the audience in and to also for the audience to understand what genre it is. The persusaive language attracts the reader into what the film could be about.
- Having looked at many thriller/horror magazine covers I found that the photo on the cover lookd efrightening and draw the reader in immediately by having a certain tone and feel to them
.- I learnt the eyes played an important role on the cover because this is what catches the readers attention. Colours throughout the cover is effective because this can portray ideas and the readers associate colours with a theme, such as red - danger.
- A quote from the film is effective- draws the reader in.
- Presenting other features on the magazine cover is significant also.

analysis of front covers of magazines

analysis of front covers of magazines

As part of my research into the horror/thriller genre. I have comepleted textual analyses which have been released over time, those being which have become increasingly popular. I have also posted what I have learnt and gained when analysisng which will help when I produce both of these texts. From this research I have given myself a clear understanding of what makes a sucessful film poster and film magazine cover. Including the marketing campaign, the text, use of colour, positioning of charcters.When I produce my ancillary texts  I will refer back to my research when I create these.

what I have learnt from analysing film posters

What I have learnt from analysing film posters

From analysing film posters it has helped to establish many of the conventions which are used for posters for then for me to able to go on to create my own.
- The picture is always relevant to the film itself, always seems intriguing and the genre itself comes across well from the picture which is an important part. The pictures seem dark and gloomy to give off a good effect on the thriller/horror genre which suggests it's going to be full of thrill.
- There is always a tag line on a poster to generate the hype for the film which is there to catch the audiences eye and for them to be persuaded into seeing the film.
- The text on film posters usually contains the film title in large lettering and often the names of the main actors. It may also include  the name of the director, names of characters, the release date, etc to bring a huge awareness to the film itself.
- A graphic/ thrilling picture for the audience to immeditately tell it will a horror film which is I will create in my film poster.

film poster analysis

film poster analysis

what i have leant from analysing existing film trailers

What I have learnt from analysing existing film trailers

From analysing existing thriller film trailers it enabled me to build upon my knowledge on what I understand will make it a good film trailer. Throughout my research I found that there were many conventions of a horror/thriller trailer that I could see in many of them such as;
- A innocent victim who are mostly in the younger generation, who is shown as unaware throughout the trailer. Whereas the villain is hardly shown in the trailer to make it more jumpy and catchy for the audience. I also noted that the character who plays the villain tends to be a male, which I saw in every trailer I watched.
- Many of the trailers follows Todorovs' theory by starting with equilibrium to set the mood/tone as 'normal' which gives the audience a thrill as they are waiting for something 'scary' or 'horrific' to happen.
- Alot of the trailers I researched on started with soft/calm music at the beginning such as everyday life conversations and then quickly made a sudden changed into dramatic and fast music- which is done to build the tension up to make the trailer electrifying.
- There are scary noises such as screams and dramatic movements such as fast running, plus glimpses of the villian by the use of shadows. There are jumpy points to the trailer to make the trailer seem frightening which attracts the target audience immediately.