Thursday, 10 May 2012

Age Certificate

When making my film trailer I decided when finishing what age certificate would be appropiate for my film trailer. With this symbol meaning
No-one under 15 is allowed to see a ‘15’ film at the cinema or buy/rent a ‘15’ rated DVD or video game. Parents are warned that ‘15’ rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age. It is therefore targeted at older teenagers and over as I believed that this age they can make a descion on weather or not they like the horror genre and there ability to see it. I chose it to be at this age because most of the horror is in the form of shadows, darkness and noises with the language being light with no drugs, sex or alcohol. There are many jumpy moments but there is no blood and gore, then I would of thought it was necessary to put it up to age 18. The film targets at this particular audience because many young teens enjoy the thrill.

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