Thursday, 10 May 2012

first draft feedback from our trailer and ancillary texts

In order to improve our ancillary texts and film trailer we need positive feedback and constructive criticism on the work so we could gradually make it better until we were fully satisfied.


+ running at the beginning of the trailer particulary effective.
+ Black and white theme adds eeriness to the trailer and makes it clear what the genre of the film is.
+ Fast editing of the trailer is very effective and interesting.
+ The fact the girls face is shown in shadows adds a thrilling and horror feel to the trailer.
+ Sound effects help to recognise the genre.
+ Short and sweet which shows the main points of the film as it does not give too much away.

- Add a voice over to make the trailer more effective.
- Edit the sound of other people voices out as it's not relevant.
- Change the setting - film somewhere else it was too obviously filmed in school.
- Add some scary sounding music.


+ The picture is very effective shows the eyes well to portray her emotions.
+ Colour red is significant to the genre.
+ Black and white theme relates back to the genre.
+ Looks very much like a real fim poster with the small print, age rating, production, actors names.
+ Title is vert good 3D effects makes it eye catching and stands off the page well.

- Edit the picture slightly better.
- Font a big better so it's slightly more clear.
- Put a few more things on the page looks empty.
+ horror genre is presented well and clearly.
+ picture is effective and significant to genre - gag round her mouth.
+ Conventions of exisiting magazine covers such as barecode, date, issue, price, masthead etc.

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